Case 1003

  • Case 1003

Question 1 of 2

Case 1003

1. 32-year-old joe presents to you for some information regarding PEP. He tells you that some of his friends and sexual partners are on PEP and he wants to go on it. Joe does not suffer from any medical condition apart from an episode of Urethritis for which he was treated with Antibiotics. He is currently not on any medications.


Question 1


What history questions you will ask Joe to determine whether he meets behavioral eligibility criteria for PEP (Post-exposure prophylaxis) antiviral medication? Write (4) in note form







Question 1 of 2

Question 2 of 2

2. 32-year-old joe presents to you for some information regarding PEP. He tells you that some of his friends and sexual partners are on PEP and he wants to go on it. Joe does not suffer from any medical condition apart from an episode of Urethritis for which he was treated with Antibiotics. He is currently not on any medications.



Question 2


Your history suggests that Joe is at high risk of contracting HIV and you decide to start him on PEP. What (2) key tests you will do before starting Joe on Anti-Viral medication. Write (2)





Question 2 of 2


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