Pneumonia is an infection that primarily affects which of the following structures in the body?
Question 2 of 226
2. Question
Which of the following microorganisms is the most common cause of typical community-acquired pneumonia?
Question 3 of 226
3. Question
A 60-year-old smoker with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with fever, productive cough, and increased shortness of breath. Chest X-ray shows patchy infiltrates in both lungs. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia?
Question 4 of 226
4. Question
Which of the following is the hallmark symptom of pneumonia?
Question 5 of 226
5. Question
A previously healthy 20-year-old college student presents with fever, sore throat, and a cough. On physical examination, there are tonsillar exudates and tender anterior cervical lymph nodes. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia-like symptoms?
Question 6 of 226
6. Question
A 45-year-old construction worker presents with fever, chills, and productive cough with rust-colored sputum. On auscultation, coarse crackles are heard over the right lower lung field. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia?
Question 7 of 226
7. Question
A 65-year-old male with a history of alcohol abuse presents with fever, cough, and confusion. Physical examination reveals dullness to percussion and decreased breath sounds over the right lower lung field. Laboratory tests show an elevated white blood cell count and serum electrolyte abnormalities. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia?
Question 8 of 226
8. Question
Which of the following is a typical radiographic finding in bacterial pneumonia?
Question 9 of 226
9. Question
A 4-year-old child presents with a sudden onset of high fever, cough, and respiratory distress. On physical examination, there is inspiratory stridor and drooling of saliva. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia-like symptoms?
Question 10 of 226
10. Question
A 78-year-old female with a history of diabetes and hypertension presents with a cough, fever, and confusion. On examination, the patient is tachypneic and has decreased breath sounds over the right lower lung field. Laboratory tests show an elevated white blood cell count and serum glucose. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia?
Question 11 of 226
11. Question
A 25-year-old previously healthy woman presents with fever, dry cough, and pleuritic chest pain. On physical examination, breath sounds are decreased over the left lung base. Chest X-ray shows a rounded opacity with air-fluid levels. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia?
Question 12 of 226
12. Question
A 35-year-old otherwise healthy woman presents with fever, cough, and pleuritic chest pain. On examination, breath sounds are decreased over the left lower lung field. Chest X-ray shows a wedge-shaped opacity with the base at the pleura. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia?
Question 13 of 226
13. Question
A 70-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with increased cough, dyspnea, and purulent sputum production. On examination, he has crackles over both lung bases. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia-like symptoms?
Question 14 of 226
14. Question
A 28-year-old woman presents with a history of persistent dry cough, fever, and weight loss for several months. On physical examination, there are bilateral crackles and clubbing of the fingers. Chest X-ray shows bilateral upper lobe infiltrates. Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of this patient’s pneumonia-like symptoms?
Question 15 of 226
15. Question
Clubbing of the fingers and toes is most commonly associated with which of the following medical conditions?
Question 16 of 226
16. Question
Which of the following describes the typical appearance of clubbing on physical examination?
Question 17 of 226
17. Question
Which of the following conditions is clubbing commonly associated with in the context of congenital heart defects?
Question 18 of 226
18. Question
Which of the following underlying mechanisms is thought to be responsible for the development of clubbing?
Question 19 of 226
19. Question
A 58-year-old man presents with a history of chronic cough, hemoptysis, and weight loss. On physical examination, the physician notes clubbing of the fingers and toes. Which of the following conditions should be considered as a potential underlying cause?
Question 20 of 226
20. Question
A 42-year-old woman with a history of Crohn’s disease presents with abdominal pain and diarrhea. On examination, the physician notices clubbing of the fingers. Which of the following conditions is commonly associated with clubbing in the context of Crohn’s disease?
Question 21 of 226
21. Question
A 68-year-old woman with a history of lung cancer presents with worsening dyspnea, cough, and chest pain. On examination, the physician observes clubbing of the fingers and toes. Which of the following conditions is likely responsible for the clubbing in this patient?
Question 22 of 226
22. Question
A 24-year-old man presents with fatigue, joint pain, and swelling of the fingers. On examination, the physician notices clubbing of the fingers. Which of the following conditions is commonly associated with clubbing in this patient?
Question 23 of 226
23. Question
A 62-year-old man with a history of chronic liver disease and portal hypertension presents with jaundice and ascites. On examination, the physician notices clubbing of the fingers and toes. Which of the following conditions is commonly associated with clubbing in patients with chronic liver disease?
Question 24 of 226
24. Question
A 45-year-old woman presents with a cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. On physical examination, she has prolonged expiration and diffuse expiratory wheezes. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of her symptoms?
Question 25 of 226
25. Question
A 56-year-old male smoker presents with a chronic cough, sputum production, and dyspnea. On examination, the physician notes decreased breath sounds, crackles, and occasional wheezing. Chest X-ray reveals hyperinflated lungs with flat diaphragms. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his symptoms?
Question 26 of 226
26. Question
A 60-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer presents with a sudden-onset pleuritic chest pain and dyspnea. On examination, breath sounds are decreased over the right lower lung field. Chest X-ray shows a right-sided pleural effusion. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
Question 27 of 226
27. Question
A 40-year-old male presents with a sudden onset of severe, stabbing chest pain that worsens with inspiration. He has a history of recent upper respiratory infection. On examination, he appears anxious and tachycardic. Chest auscultation reveals a pleural friction rub. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his symptoms?
Question 28 of 226
28. Question
A 28-year-old female presents with a productive cough, fever, and chest pain. Chest X-ray shows consolidation in the right lower lobe. Which of the following is the most likely causative organism of her symptoms?
Question 29 of 226
29. Question
A 3-month-old infant presents with cyanosis, especially during crying or feeding. On examination, a harsh holosystolic murmur is heard at the left lower sternal border. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of the cyanosis?
Question 30 of 226
30. Question
A 45-year-old woman presents with bluish discoloration of her lips and nail beds. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis. On examination, her fingers show sclerodactyly, and there are telangiectasias on her face. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of the cyanosis?
Question 31 of 226
31. Question
A 60-year-old man presents with blue discoloration of his fingers and toes, especially during cold exposure or emotional stress. On examination, his fingers and toes feel cold to the touch, and the nail beds appear cyanotic. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of the cyanosis?
Question 32 of 226
32. Question
A 55-year-old man with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with worsening shortness of breath and cyanosis. On examination, he has decreased breath sounds and hyperresonance on percussion. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his cyanosis?
Question 33 of 226
33. Question
A 70-year-old woman with a history of atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure presents with generalized cyanosis, especially in her lower extremities. On examination, jugular venous distention and pitting edema are noted. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of her cyanosis?
Question 34 of 226
34. Question
A 32-year-old male presents with a recent history of severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. On examination, his blood pressure is 85/50 mmHg, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, and his extremities appear cold and clammy. He has diffuse abdominal tenderness with guarding. Laboratory tests show elevated white blood cell count and metabolic acidosis. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his cyanosis?
Question 35 of 226
35. Question
A 25-year-old woman with a history of sickle cell disease presents with pain in her left lower leg. On examination, her left foot is cool to the touch, and the dorsalis pedis pulse is absent. Her left leg appears dusky and cyanotic. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of her cyanosis?
Question 36 of 226
36. Question
A 68-year-old man presents with gradual-onset cyanosis of the lips and nail beds. He has a history of hypertension and diabetes. On examination, his blood pressure is 180/100 mmHg. There are no signs of heart failure or peripheral edema. His chest X-ray is normal. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his cyanosis?
Question 37 of 226
37. Question
A 6-year-old boy presents with episodes of bluish discoloration of his fingers and toes during cold weather. He also experiences joint pain and abdominal pain during these episodes. His mother reports a family history of similar symptoms. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his cyanosis?
Question 38 of 226
38. Question
A 52-year-old woman presents with cyanosis, fatigue, and shortness of breath. On examination, she has clubbing of her fingers and toes. She does not smoke and has no history of respiratory or cardiac disease. Laboratory tests show elevated red blood cell count and hematocrit. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of her cyanosis?
Question 39 of 226
39. Question
A 62-year-old man with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with worsening cyanosis and dyspnea. On examination, he has cyanosis, pursed-lip breathing, and diffuse wheezing on auscultation. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his cyanosis?
Question 40 of 226
40. Question
A 40-year-old woman presents with recurrent episodes of cyanosis, palpitations, and dizziness. On examination, her fingers and toes appear bluish, and she has a heart murmur. An electrocardiogram shows atrial fibrillation. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of her cyanosis?
Question 41 of 226
41. Question
A 45-year-old female presents with shortness of breath and cough. Spirometry reveals a reduced forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) with a normal FEV1/FVC ratio. Which of the following patterns best describes this PFT result?
Question 42 of 226
42. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of smoking presents with chronic cough and sputum production. Spirometry reveals a reduced FEV1 and FVC with a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. Which of the following patterns best describes this PFT result?
Question 43 of 226
43. Question
A 30-year-old female presents with shortness of breath and a dry cough. She has a history of exposure to birds due to her occupation as a poultry farmer. Spirometry shows a reduced FVC and a reduced FEV1 with a normal FEV1/FVC ratio. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of her PFT result?
Question 44 of 226
44. Question
A 50-year-old male presents with a chronic cough and exertional dyspnea. He has a history of exposure to asbestos. Spirometry reveals a reduced FVC and a reduced FEV1 with a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his PFT result?
Question 45 of 226
45. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of smoking presents with chronic cough and sputum production. Spirometry reveals a reduced FEV1 and FVC with a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio that does not significantly improve after bronchodilator administration. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his PFT result?
Question 46 of 226
46. Question
A 28-year-old male with a history of atopic asthma presents with increasing shortness of breath and wheezing. Spirometry reveals a reduced FEV1 and FVC with a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. After administering a bronchodilator, there is a significant improvement in FEV1. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his PFT result?
Question 47 of 226
47. Question
A 35-year-old female presents with a dry cough and exertional dyspnea. She has a history of exposure to silica due to her occupation as a stone mason. Spirometry shows a reduced FVC and a reduced FEV1 with a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of her PFT result?
Question 48 of 226
48. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of smoking presents with chronic cough and dyspnea on exertion. Spirometry reveals a reduced FVC and FEV1 with a normal FEV1/FVC ratio. Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of his PFT result?
Question 49 of 226
49. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the emergency department with worsening dyspnea. On physical examination, he is cyanotic, tachypneic, and using accessory respiratory muscles. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.30, partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) of 55 mmHg, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) of 70 mmHg, and bicarbonate (HCO3-) of 30 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 50 of 226
50. Question
A 28-year-old female with a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus presents with deep and rapid breathing. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.25, PaO2 of 90 mmHg, PaCO2 of 18 mmHg, and HCO3- of 10 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 51 of 226
51. Question
A 67-year-old male with a history of chronic kidney disease presents with weakness and confusion. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.31, PaO2 of 95 mmHg, PaCO2 of 50 mmHg, and HCO3- of 24 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 52 of 226
52. Question
A 42-year-old female with a history of chronic kidney disease presents with fatigue and lethargy. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.20, PaO2 of 90 mmHg, PaCO2 of 30 mmHg, and HCO3- of 12 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 53 of 226
53. Question
A 30-year-old male presents with acute-onset shortness of breath and chest pain. He has a history of a deep vein thrombosis in his left leg one month ago, for which he is receiving anticoagulation therapy. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.48, PaO2 of 80 mmHg, PaCO2 of 30 mmHg, and HCO3- of 24 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 54 of 226
54. Question
A 65-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with worsening shortness of breath and confusion. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.25, partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) of 60 mmHg, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) of 70 mmHg, and bicarbonate (HCO3-) of 30 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 55 of 226
55. Question
A 45-year-old female with a history of severe sepsis presents with hyperventilation and tingling sensations in her extremities. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.50, PaO2 of 95 mmHg, PaCO2 of 20 mmHg, and HCO3- of 16 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 56 of 226
56. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of chronic kidney disease presents with fatigue and lethargy. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.30, PaO2 of 90 mmHg, PaCO2 of 40 mmHg, and HCO3- of 20 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 57 of 226
57. Question
A 35-year-old female with a history of asthma presents with acute shortness of breath and wheezing. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.48, PaO2 of 80 mmHg, PaCO2 of 30 mmHg, and HCO3- of 24 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 58 of 226
58. Question
A 50-year-old male with a history of chronic kidney disease presents with weakness and confusion. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.20, PaO2 of 90 mmHg, PaCO2 of 40 mmHg, and HCO3- of 15 mEq/L. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is most likely present in this patient?
Question 59 of 226
59. Question
A 45-year-old male presents with coughing up blood-tinged sputum. He has a history of smoking and chronic bronchitis. On physical examination, crackles are heard over the right lower lung. Chest X-ray shows a right lower lobe consolidation. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 60 of 226
60. Question
A 62-year-old female presents with the sudden onset of significant hemoptysis. She has a history of mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation. On physical examination, she is in respiratory distress. Her blood pressure is 80/50 mmHg, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 61 of 226
61. Question
A 30-year-old male with a history of intravenous drug abuse presents with hemoptysis. On physical examination, he has petechiae on the palate and conjunctiva. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his hemoptysis?
Question 62 of 226
62. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of cirrhosis presents with hemoptysis. On physical examination, he has spider angiomata and gynecomastia. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his hemoptysis?
Question 63 of 226
63. Question
A 40-year-old female presents with recurrent hemoptysis. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis. Chest X-ray shows multiple cavitary lesions in the lung fields. Which of the following is the most likely cause of her hemoptysis?
Question 64 of 226
64. Question
A 50-year-old male presents with recurrent episodes of massive hemoptysis. He has a history of hypertension and chronic kidney disease. On physical examination, he has a blood pressure of 180/100 mmHg and bilateral coarse crackles on auscultation of the lungs. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 65 of 226
65. Question
A 30-year-old female presents with hemoptysis. She has a history of recurrent sinusitis and nasal polyps. On physical examination, you note purpuric skin lesions on the lower extremities. Laboratory tests show an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and positive cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA). What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 66 of 226
66. Question
A 25-year-old male presents with recurrent episodes of massive hemoptysis. He has a history of pulmonary tuberculosis and was non-compliant with treatment. On physical examination, he has decreased breath sounds over the right upper lung. Chest X-ray shows fibrotic changes and volume loss in the right upper lung. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 67 of 226
67. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with recurrent hemoptysis. He has been a heavy smoker for 40 years. On physical examination, he has decreased breath sounds over the right lower lung. Chest X-ray shows a right lower lobe consolidation. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 68 of 226
68. Question
A 70-year-old female presents with hemoptysis. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and is on long-term corticosteroid therapy. On physical examination, she has crackles on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray shows diffuse interstitial infiltrates. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 69 of 226
69. Question
A 55-year-old male presents with hemoptysis. He has a history of chronic alcohol abuse and pancreatitis. On physical examination, he has multiple spider angiomata on the skin of the upper body. Laboratory tests show an elevated international normalized ratio (INR) and thrombocytopenia. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 70 of 226
70. Question
A 35-year-old non-smoking female presents with a dry, irritating cough that worsens at night and is triggered by exposure to cold air. She reports occasional wheezing and shortness of breath. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 71 of 226
71. Question
A 45-year-old male smoker presents with a chronic cough that produces thick, yellowish-green sputum. He also reports occasional shortness of breath and wheezing. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 72 of 226
72. Question
A 55-year-old male presents with a chronic cough and weight loss. He is a long-term smoker. Chest X-ray shows a cavitary lesion in the right upper lung. Sputum cytology reveals malignant cells. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 73 of 226
73. Question
A 65-year-old female presents with a chronic, non-productive cough that worsens at night and is not relieved by cough suppressants. She denies shortness of breath or wheezing. On physical examination, you note postnasal drip and clear rhinorrhea. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 74 of 226
74. Question
A 40-year-old male presents with a chronic cough, fever, and night sweats. He reports a history of close contact with a family member diagnosed with tuberculosis. Chest X-ray shows bilateral upper lobe infiltrates. Sputum acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stain is positive. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 75 of 226
75. Question
A 50-year-old female presents with a chronic cough and recurrent episodes of postnasal drip. She denies shortness of breath or wheezing. On physical examination, there is no wheezing or crackles on lung auscultation. She reports relief of cough when taking over-the-counter cough suppressants. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 76 of 226
76. Question
A 60-year-old male presents with a chronic cough and unintentional weight loss. He has a 30-pack-year history of smoking. On physical examination, he has decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion over the right lung base. Chest X-ray shows a right pleural effusion. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 77 of 226
77. Question
A 30-year-old female presents with a chronic cough and progressive dyspnea on exertion. She has a history of recurrent respiratory tract infections since childhood. On physical examination, you note clubbing of the fingers. Chest X-ray shows cylindrical bronchiectasis. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 78 of 226
78. Question
A 25-year-old female presents with a chronic cough that worsens at night and is associated with heartburn. She denies shortness of breath or wheezing. On physical examination, there are no abnormalities. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 79 of 226
79. Question
A 40-year-old male presents with a chronic cough that worsens in the morning and is associated with sputum production. He is a long-term smoker. On physical examination, you note rhonchi on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflated lungs. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 80 of 226
80. Question
A 30-year-old female presents with a chronic cough that worsens at night and is associated with heartburn and regurgitation of stomach contents into the mouth. She denies shortness of breath or wheezing. On physical examination, there are no abnormalities. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 81 of 226
81. Question
A 28-year-old male presents with a persistent, non-productive cough and shortness of breath. He reports recurrent episodes of coughing triggered by exposure to cold air and strong odors. On physical examination, you note wheezing on lung auscultation. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 82 of 226
82. Question
A 62-year-old female presents with a chronic cough, dyspnea, and clubbing of the fingers. She reports a history of rheumatoid arthritis. Chest X-ray shows bibasilar reticular opacities. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest reveals honeycombing. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 83 of 226
83. Question
A 50-year-old male presents with a chronic cough and dyspnea on exertion. He has a history of exposure to asbestos. On physical examination, you note inspiratory crackles on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray shows bilateral pleural plaques. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest reveals subpleural fibrosis with honeycombing. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 84 of 226
84. Question
A 45-year-old female presents with a chronic cough, dyspnea, and weight loss. She has a 20-pack-year history of smoking. Chest X-ray shows a mass lesion in the right upper lung. Biopsy reveals small cell lung carcinoma. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 85 of 226
85. Question
A 32-year-old male presents with a chronic cough, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. He has a history of intravenous drug use. Chest X-ray shows multiple cavitary nodules in the upper lobes of both lungs. Sputum culture reveals acid-fast bacilli. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 86 of 226
86. Question
A 55-year-old male presents with a chronic cough and progressively worsening shortness of breath. He has a history of exposure to birds at his workplace. Chest X-ray shows bilateral diffuse infiltrates, and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest reveals ground-glass opacities with traction bronchiectasis. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 87 of 226
87. Question
A 38-year-old female presents with a chronic cough and exertional dyspnea. She has a history of recurrent respiratory tract infections since childhood and has been diagnosed with bronchiectasis. On physical examination, you note inspiratory crackles on lung auscultation. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest reveals dilated, thick-walled bronchi with bronchial wall thickening and luminal mucus plugging. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 88 of 226
88. Question
A 42-year-old male presents with a chronic cough and recurrent episodes of pneumonia. On physical examination, you note coarse crackles on lung auscultation. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest reveals thickened bronchial walls with trachealization of the bronchi. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 89 of 226
89. Question
A 68-year-old female presents with a chronic cough, exertional dyspnea, and fatigue. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and takes methotrexate for the same. On physical examination, you note bilateral basilar crackles on lung auscultation. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest reveals diffuse ground-glass opacities and traction bronchiectasis. What is the most likely cause of her cough?
Question 90 of 226
90. Question
A 22-year-old male presents with a chronic cough, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. He has a history of being in close contact with a person diagnosed with tuberculosis. Chest X-ray shows a cavitary lesion in the right upper lung. Sputum culture reveals acid-fast bacilli. What is the most likely cause of his cough?
Question 91 of 226
91. Question
A 65-year-old male presents with dyspnea on exertion and bilateral lower extremity edema. On physical examination, you note jugular venous distension. Auscultation reveals a holosystolic murmur at the apex radiating to the axilla. Echocardiography shows dilated left atrium and ventricle, mitral regurgitation, and normal left ventricular function. What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 92 of 226
92. Question
A 30-year-old female presents with sudden-onset dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and hemoptysis. She recently underwent surgery and has been on bed rest for an extended period. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, heart rate is 110 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 24 breaths per minute. There is decreased breath sounds on the right side of the chest. What is the most likely cause of her dyspnea?
Question 93 of 226
93. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with worsening dyspnea and increased sputum production over the past two days. On physical examination, he has increased work of breathing and diffuse expiratory wheezing on lung auscultation. What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 94 of 226
94. Question
A 40-year-old female presents with dyspnea, chest pain, and a dry cough. She reports that these symptoms worsen after exposure to certain perfumes and cleaning agents. On physical examination, you note inspiratory crackles on lung auscultation. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest reveals ground-glass opacities and reticular opacities with a subpleural and peribronchovascular distribution. What is the most likely cause of her dyspnea?
Question 95 of 226
95. Question
A 28-year-old male presents with sudden-onset dyspnea, chest pain, and a dry cough. He has a history of smoking and takes oral contraceptives for acne. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, heart rate is 95 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute. There are decreased breath sounds and hyperresonance on the left side of the chest. What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 96 of 226
96. Question
A 50-year-old female with a history of asthma presents with worsening dyspnea, cough, and wheezing. She reports that her symptoms are worse at night and in the early morning. On physical examination, you note expiratory wheezing on lung auscultation. What is the most likely cause of her dyspnea?
Question 97 of 226
97. Question
A 60-year-old male presents with dyspnea, cough, and fever. He reports that his symptoms have been worsening over the past week. He has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and quit smoking 10 years ago. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 100 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 26 breaths per minute. There are decreased breath sounds and crackles on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals patchy infiltrates in the right lower lobe. What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 98 of 226
98. Question
A 25-year-old female presents with sudden-onset dyspnea, chest pain, and a dry cough. She has a history of a deep vein thrombosis in her left leg two weeks ago and is currently taking anticoagulation therapy. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 110 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 28 breaths per minute. There are decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion on the right side of the chest. What is the most likely cause of her dyspnea?
Question 99 of 226
99. Question
A 35-year-old female presents with dyspnea and chest discomfort. She reports that these symptoms have been present for several months and are worse with physical activity. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute. There are normal breath sounds on lung auscultation. Electrocardiography (ECG) shows inverted T waves in leads V1 to V4. Echocardiography reveals dilated left ventricle with reduced systolic function. What is the most likely cause of her dyspnea?
Question 100 of 226
100. Question
A 70-year-old male with a history of hypertension presents with dyspnea on exertion and orthopnea. On physical examination, you note bilateral rales on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. Echocardiography shows hypertrophied ventricular walls and reduced left ventricular chamber size. What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 101 of 226
101. Question
A 45-year-old male presents with dyspnea, chest pain, and palpitations. He reports that these symptoms occur intermittently and are relieved with rest. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 150 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute. There are no abnormal findings on lung auscultation. Electrocardiography (ECG) shows paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT). What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 102 of 226
102. Question
A 62-year-old male with a history of heart failure presents with dyspnea and orthopnea. On physical examination, you note bilateral rales on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. Echocardiography shows dilated left ventricle with reduced systolic function and mitral regurgitation. What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 103 of 226
103. Question
A 28-year-old male presents with dyspnea, cough, and fever. He reports that these symptoms have been worsening over the past week. He has a history of asthma and is a smoker. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 24 breaths per minute. There are wheezing and scattered rhonchi on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals hyperinflation and increased bronchovascular markings. What is the most likely cause of his dyspnea?
Question 104 of 226
104. Question
A 50-year-old female presents with dyspnea on exertion and bilateral lower extremity edema. On physical examination, you note elevated jugular venous pressure and a systolic ejection murmur at the second right intercostal space radiating to the carotids. Echocardiography shows dilated aortic root and ascending aorta, and aortic regurgitation. What is the most likely cause of her dyspnea?
Question 105 of 226
105. Question
A 45-year-old female presents with dyspnea, chest pain, and a dry cough. She has a history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and is currently on immunosuppressive therapy. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, heart rate is 95 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute. There are decreased breath sounds on the right side of the chest. Chest X-ray reveals a right-sided pleural effusion. Thoracentesis is performed, and the fluid analysis shows lymphocytic pleural effusion. What is the most likely cause of her dyspnea?
Question 106 of 226
106. Question
A 65-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with increasing dyspnea, tachypnea, and confusion. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 30 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. He appears cyanotic and is using accessory respiratory muscles. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.28, PaCO2 70 mmHg, PaO2 55 mmHg, and HCO3- 28 mEq/L. What type of respiratory failure is present in this patient?
Question 107 of 226
107. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of severe obesity and obstructive sleep apnea presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset dyspnea, tachypnea, and confusion. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 35 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 84% on room air. He appears cyanotic and is using accessory respiratory muscles. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.30, PaCO2 60 mmHg, PaO2 50 mmHg, and HCO3- 30 mEq/L. What type of respiratory failure is present in this patient?
Question 108 of 226
108. Question
A 65-year-old female with a history of chronic lung disease presents with increasing dyspnea, tachypnea, and fatigue. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 100 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 28 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. She appears cyanotic and is using accessory respiratory muscles. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.34, PaCO2 50 mmHg, PaO2 55 mmHg, and HCO3- 26 mEq/L. What type of respiratory failure is present in this patient?
Question 109 of 226
109. Question
A 40-year-old male with a history of opioid abuse presents to the emergency department with decreased level of consciousness and respiratory distress. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 6 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 85% on room air. He appears cyanotic, and his pupils are constricted. What is the most likely cause of his respiratory failure?
Question 110 of 226
110. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with worsening dyspnea, cough, and increased sputum production. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 30 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. He appears cyanotic and is using accessory respiratory muscles. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.28, PaCO2 65 mmHg, PaO2 58 mmHg, and HCO3- 32 mEq/L. What type of respiratory failure is present in this patient?
Question 111 of 226
111. Question
A 50-year-old female with a history of obesity presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and tachypnea. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, heart rate is 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 24 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. She appears anxious and is in respiratory distress. What is the most likely cause of her respiratory failure?
Question 112 of 226
112. Question
A 70-year-old male with a history of chronic heart failure presents with worsening dyspnea, orthopnea, and bilateral lower extremity edema. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 100 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 24 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 90% on room air. Crackles are heard on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. What type of respiratory failure is present in this patient?
Question 113 of 226
113. Question
A 45-year-old female with a history of sepsis presents to the intensive care unit with acute onset of dyspnea, tachypnea, and hypoxemia. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 30 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 85% on room air. Auscultation reveals bilateral diffuse crackles. Chest X-ray shows bilateral opacities. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.38, PaCO2 40 mmHg, PaO2 55 mmHg, and HCO3- 24 mEq/L. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 114 of 226
114. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of acute pancreatitis and alcohol abuse presents to the emergency department with shortness of breath, fever, and productive cough with yellowish sputum. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 100 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 24 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 92% on room air. Auscultation reveals crackles at the right lower lung base. Chest X-ray shows a right lower lobe consolidation. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.42, PaCO2 40 mmHg, PaO2 65 mmHg, and HCO3- 24 mEq/L. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 115 of 226
115. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of severe burns presents to the intensive care unit with acute respiratory distress. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, heart rate is 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 35 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on high-flow oxygen. He appears anxious and is using accessory respiratory muscles. Auscultation reveals diffuse bilateral crackles. Chest X-ray shows bilateral diffuse infiltrates. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.30, PaCO2 45 mmHg, PaO2 55 mmHg, and HCO3- 22 mEq/L. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 116 of 226
116. Question
A 65-year-old female with a history of sepsis and acute pancreatitis presents to the intensive care unit with acute respiratory distress. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 40 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 85% on high-flow oxygen. Auscultation reveals bilateral diffuse crackles. Chest X-ray shows bilateral opacities. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.28, PaCO2 55 mmHg, PaO2 60 mmHg, and HCO3- 22 mEq/L. What is the most appropriate initial management for this patient?
Question 117 of 226
117. Question
A 50-year-old male with a history of severe pneumonia presents to the intensive care unit with respiratory distress and hypoxemia. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 32 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on high-flow oxygen. Auscultation reveals diffuse bilateral crackles. Chest X-ray shows diffuse bilateral infiltrates. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals pH 7.32, PaCO2 50 mmHg, PaO2 60 mmHg, and HCO3- 24 mEq/L. What is the most appropriate intervention to improve oxygenation in this patient?
Question 118 of 226
118. Question
A 30-year-old female presents to the emergency department with acute onset of dyspnea and tachypnea. She recently underwent surgery for a fractured leg and has been immobile for several days. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 30 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. She appears anxious and diaphoretic. Auscultation reveals crackles at the bases of the lungs. Doppler ultrasound shows deep vein thrombosis in the left leg. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 119 of 226
119. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of chronic heart failure presents with worsening dyspnea, orthopnea, and bilateral lower extremity edema. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 100 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 24 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 90% on room air. Crackles are heard on lung auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. What type of respiratory failure is present in this patient?
Question 120 of 226
120. Question
A 65-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and increasing dyspnea on exertion. He also reports sputum production and wheezing. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 94% on room air. Auscultation reveals expiratory wheezes bilaterally. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs with flattening of the diaphragm. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 121 of 226
121. Question
A 72-year-old female with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with worsening dyspnea and chronic cough. She reports increased sputum production over the past few months. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 88 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 92% on room air. Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds and prolonged expiration. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 122 of 226
122. Question
A 58-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and increasing dyspnea on exertion. He reports that he frequently experiences wheezing and chest tightness, especially during physical activities. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 94% on room air. Auscultation reveals expiratory wheezes bilaterally. Chest X-ray is normal. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio that improves significantly after administration of a bronchodilator. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 123 of 226
123. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and sputum production for the past three months. He also reports increasing dyspnea on exertion. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 88 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 94% on room air. Auscultation reveals coarse crackles in the lung bases. Chest X-ray shows increased bronchovascular markings and a mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 124 of 226
124. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and sputum production for the past four months. He reports increased cough and sputum during the winter months. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 95% on room air. Auscultation reveals rhonchi in the lung bases. Chest X-ray is normal. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio that does not significantly improve after bronchodilator administration. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 125 of 226
125. Question
A 65-year-old female with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and sputum production for the past three months. She also complains of fatigue and unintentional weight loss. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 80 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 95% on room air. Auscultation reveals coarse crackles in the lung bases. Chest X-ray shows increased bronchovascular markings and a mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 126 of 226
126. Question
A 70-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and sputum production for the past five months. He also reports wheezing and shortness of breath. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 92 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 92% on room air. Auscultation reveals expiratory wheezes bilaterally. Chest X-ray is normal. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio that improves significantly after administration of a bronchodilator. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 127 of 226
127. Question
A 60-year-old female with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and sputum production for the past six months. She reports frequent respiratory infections. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 85 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 95% on room air. Auscultation reveals coarse crackles in the lung bases. Chest X-ray shows increased bronchovascular markings and a mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 128 of 226
128. Question
A 50-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and sputum production for the past two months. He also reports chest pain and hemoptysis. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 96% on room air. Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds and prolonged expiration. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 129 of 226
129. Question
A 60-year-old male with a long history of smoking presents to the clinic with progressive dyspnea on exertion and a chronic cough. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 94% on room air. Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds and prolonged expiration. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 130 of 226
130. Question
A 65-year-old female with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with shortness of breath and chronic cough. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 80 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 96% on room air. Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 131 of 226
131. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the emergency department with severe shortness of breath and wheezing. He reports a chronic cough and increased sputum production for the past several years. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 100 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 28 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds and diffuse wheezing. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 132 of 226
132. Question
A 70-year-old female with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with dyspnea on exertion and a chronic cough. On physical examination, her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 85 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 95% on room air. Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds and prolonged expiration. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 133 of 226
133. Question
A 50-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the clinic with a chronic cough and progressive dyspnea on exertion. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 95% on room air. Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds and prolonged expiration. Chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests reveal a reduced FEV1/FVC ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 134 of 226
134. Question
A 25-year-old female presents to the clinic with episodic shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough, particularly at night and in the early morning. She has a history of allergies and eczema. On physical examination, her respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute, and wheezing is heard on auscultation. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 135 of 226
135. Question
A 30-year-old male presents to the emergency department with acute shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. He reports a history of allergies and eczema. On physical examination, his respiratory rate is 30 breaths per minute, heart rate is 110 beats per minute, and oxygen saturation is 88% on room air. Auscultation reveals diffuse wheezing. What is the most appropriate initial management for this patient?
Question 136 of 226
136. Question
A 10-year-old male presents to the clinic with a chronic cough, particularly at night and during exercise. He also experiences chest tightness and wheezing. On physical examination, his respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute, and wheezing is heard on auscultation. His medical history is significant for eczema and allergies. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 137 of 226
137. Question
A 35-year-old female presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. She reports a history of allergies and eczema. On physical examination, her respiratory rate is 28 breaths per minute, heart rate is 120 beats per minute, and oxygen saturation is 89% on room air. Auscultation reveals diffuse wheezing. What is the most appropriate initial management for this patient?
Question 138 of 226
138. Question
A 45-year-old male presents to the clinic with recurrent episodes of shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. He reports that these symptoms are triggered by exposure to allergens, exercise, and cold air. On physical examination, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, and wheezing is heard on auscultation. He has a history of allergies and eczema. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 139 of 226
139. Question
A 50-year-old female presents to the emergency department with acute shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. She reports a history of allergies and eczema. On physical examination, her respiratory rate is 32 breaths per minute, heart rate is 130 beats per minute, and oxygen saturation is 87% on room air. Auscultation reveals diffuse wheezing. What is the most appropriate initial management for this patient?
Question 140 of 226
140. Question
A 55-year-old male presents to the clinic with recurrent episodes of shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. He reports that these symptoms have worsened over the past few months and are triggered by exposure to allergens and respiratory infections. On physical examination, his respiratory rate is 18 breaths per minute, and wheezing is heard on auscultation. He has a history of allergies and eczema. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 141 of 226
141. Question
A 45-year-old obese male presents with complaints of excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, and witnessed apneas during sleep. On physical examination, the patient’s neck circumference is increased, and he has enlarged tonsils. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 142 of 226
142. Question
Which of the following is a significant risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea?
Question 143 of 226
143. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of hypertension presents with complaints of loud snoring and choking during sleep. He reports excessive daytime sleepiness and difficulty staying awake during daytime activities. What is the most appropriate initial screening test for obstructive sleep apnea in this patient?
Question 144 of 226
144. Question
A 60-year-old female is suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea. Which of the following findings on polysomnography would confirm the diagnosis?
Question 145 of 226
145. Question
Which of the following is a common treatment for mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea?
Question 146 of 226
146. Question
A 50-year-old male is diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea. He is non-compliant with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. What is the next appropriate step in management?
Question 147 of 226
147. Question
A 35-year-old female is diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and is prescribed continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. She asks about the long-term complications of untreated obstructive sleep apnea. What is a potential consequence of untreated obstructive sleep apnea?
Question 148 of 226
148. Question
A 60-year-old male with severe obstructive sleep apnea is scheduled for surgery. Which of the following surgical procedures is specifically designed to address obstructive sleep apnea?
Question 149 of 226
149. Question
A 40-year-old female with obesity and hypertension is suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea. The patient’s partner reports that she frequently stops breathing during sleep, and then there is a gasping or choking sound as she resumes breathing. Which of the following statements is true regarding the pathophysiology of obstructive sleep apnea?
Question 150 of 226
150. Question
A 50-year-old male is suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea. He undergoes a sleep study, and the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) is calculated. The AHI represents:
Question 151 of 226
151. Question
A 30-year-old female presents with complaints of rapid breathing, lightheadedness, tingling sensations in the hands and feet, and a feeling of impending doom. These symptoms often occur in stressful situations or during panic attacks. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 152 of 226
152. Question
Which of the following is a characteristic respiratory pattern seen in hyperventilation syndrome?
Question 153 of 226
153. Question
Which of the following is a compensatory response that may occur in hyperventilation syndrome?
Question 154 of 226
154. Question
A 25-year-old male presents with complaints of frequent episodes of hyperventilation that occur spontaneously and are not associated with stress or anxiety. He reports symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, and tingling sensations in the extremities during these episodes. What is the most appropriate initial management for this patient?
Question 155 of 226
155. Question
A 35-year-old female presents with complaints of frequent episodes of hyperventilation, which are often triggered by stress and anxiety. During these episodes, she experiences a sensation of breathlessness, palpitations, and chest tightness. What is the most appropriate intervention for managing acute hyperventilation in this patient?
Question 156 of 226
156. Question
A 42-year-old male with a history of panic disorder presents with frequent episodes of hyperventilation, which are often accompanied by anxiety and panic attacks. The patient is concerned about his symptoms and requests medications to control the episodes. What is the most appropriate pharmacological intervention for managing hyperventilation in this patient?
Question 157 of 226
157. Question
A 28-year-old female presents with a history of recurrent episodes of hyperventilation. Her medical history is unremarkable, and she does not have a diagnosis of any anxiety or panic disorder. Physical examination and laboratory investigations are within normal limits. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
Question 158 of 226
158. Question
A 40-year-old female presents with chronic cough, sputum production, and recurrent respiratory infections. Physical examination reveals coarse crackles and wheezing in the lungs. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows dilated and thickened bronchi with bronchial wall thickening and airway dilation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 159 of 226
159. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of bronchiectasis presents with an acute exacerbation of his respiratory symptoms. He reports increased cough, purulent sputum production, and fever. On physical examination, coarse crackles and rhonchi are heard in the chest. What is the most appropriate initial treatment for this patient’s exacerbation?
Question 160 of 226
160. Question
A 35-year-old male with bronchiectasis presents with recurrent episodes of hemoptysis. He reports coughing up small amounts of blood-stained sputum that is not associated with any specific triggers. What is the most likely cause of hemoptysis in this patient?
Question 161 of 226
161. Question
A 50-year-old female with bronchiectasis presents with worsening dyspnea, fatigue, and weight loss over the past few weeks. On physical examination, she appears cachectic, and breath sounds are diminished over the left lung base. Chest X-ray reveals hyperinflation and a large lucent area in the left lung. What is the most likely complication seen in this patient?
Question 162 of 226
162. Question
A 65-year-old male with bronchiectasis presents with worsening chronic cough and sputum production. He reports that his sputum has become more purulent and foul-smelling. On examination, he has clubbing of the fingers and toes. What is the most likely underlying cause of bronchiectasis in this patient?
Question 163 of 226
163. Question
A 30-year-old female with a history of bronchiectasis presents with recurrent respiratory infections and increasing sputum production. She is concerned about her lung function and wants to know if there are any preventive measures she can take to minimize exacerbations. What is the most appropriate advice for this patient?
Question 164 of 226
164. Question
A 55-year-old male with bronchiectasis presents with worsening cough and increased sputum production. He reports recent travel to a region with high air pollution levels. On physical examination, his oxygen saturation is 94% on room air. What is the most appropriate management for this patient?
Question 165 of 226
165. Question
Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in which gene?
Question 166 of 226
166. Question
Which of the following organs is most commonly affected in cystic fibrosis?
Question 167 of 226
167. Question
Which of the following symptoms is commonly associated with cystic fibrosis in the respiratory system?
Question 168 of 226
168. Question
Which of the following diagnostic tests is commonly used for the early detection of cystic fibrosis in newborns?
Question 169 of 226
169. Question
Which of the following is a common complication of cystic fibrosis in the gastrointestinal system?
Question 170 of 226
170. Question
Which of the following treatments is a cornerstone of managing cystic fibrosis in individuals with pancreatic insufficiency?
Question 171 of 226
171. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of alcohol abuse presents with a productive cough, fever, and pleuritic chest pain. On examination, breath sounds are decreased over the right lower lung. A chest X-ray reveals a thick-walled cavity with an air-fluid level in the right lower lobe. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 172 of 226
172. Question
What is the most common causative organism of community-acquired lung abscess?
Question 173 of 226
173. Question
Which of the following imaging modalities is most useful for confirming the diagnosis of a lung abscess?
Question 174 of 226
174. Question
What is the initial treatment of choice for a lung abscess?
Question 175 of 226
175. Question
Which of the following complications is a potential risk associated with lung abscess?
Question 176 of 226
176. Question
A 28-year-old healthcare worker presents with a chronic cough, night sweats, weight loss, and fatigue. A chest X-ray reveals patchy infiltrates and cavitations in the upper lobes of the lungs. Sputum analysis shows acid-fast bacilli. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 177 of 226
177. Question
Which of the following is the primary mode of transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Question 178 of 226
178. Question
Which of the following is the most common site of extrapulmonary tuberculosis?
Question 179 of 226
179. Question
Which of the following is the standard treatment regimen for drug-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis?
Question 180 of 226
180. Question
A patient is diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis and started on a four-drug regimen containing rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. After two months of treatment, the patient’s sputum smears are negative for acid-fast bacilli, and the chest X-ray shows significant improvement. What should be the next step in the patient’s treatment?
Question 181 of 226
181. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents with fever, productive cough, and worsening shortness of breath. A chest X-ray reveals a cavitary lesion with a “halo sign” on imaging. Sputum culture grows filamentous fungi with septate hyphae. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 182 of 226
182. Question
Which of the following patients is at the highest risk of developing invasive pulmonary aspergillosis?
Question 183 of 226
183. Question
Which antifungal medication is the first-line treatment for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis?
Question 184 of 226
184. Question
What is the most appropriate diagnostic test to confirm invasive pulmonary aspergillosis?
Question 185 of 226
185. Question
A patient with a history of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) presents with a fever, cough, and pleuritic chest pain. A chest X-ray shows a “halo sign,” and bronchoalveolar lavage reveals septate hyphae. Which of the following organisms is most likely causing the infection in this patient?
Question 186 of 226
186. Question
A 35-year-old female presents with a persistent dry cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Physical examination reveals bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, and a chest X-ray shows diffuse bilateral lung infiltrates. A biopsy of the affected tissue reveals non-caseating granulomas. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 187 of 226
187. Question
Which of the following laboratory findings is commonly seen in patients with sarcoidosis?
Question 188 of 226
188. Question
A 45-year-old African American male presents with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, erythema nodosum, and uveitis. A chest X-ray shows the characteristic “bilateral symmetric hilar adenopathy.” A biopsy of the lymph nodes reveals non-caseating granulomas. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 189 of 226
189. Question
A 30-year-old female with a history of sarcoidosis presents with fatigue, muscle weakness, and joint pain. Laboratory tests reveal hypercalcemia and elevated angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels. What is the most likely cause of hypercalcemia in this patient?
Question 190 of 226
190. Question
Which of the following organs is most commonly affected by sarcoidosis?
Question 191 of 226
191. Question
A 40-year-old male with known sarcoidosis presents with acute-onset dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and a dry cough. On physical examination, diminished breath sounds are noted over the left lower lung field. A chest X-ray shows a “batwing” appearance with bilateral alveolar infiltrates and a left lower lobe consolidation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 192 of 226
192. Question
A 55-year-old male with sarcoidosis presents with progressive dyspnea and dry cough. Pulmonary function tests reveal a restrictive pattern. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows bilateral ground-glass opacities and thickening of the interlobular septa (“crazy-paving” pattern). What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 193 of 226
193. Question
Which of the following medications is commonly used as first-line treatment for symptomatic pulmonary sarcoidosis?
Question 194 of 226
194. Question
A 30-year-old female with sarcoidosis presents with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, erythema nodosum, and arthritis. Her symptoms have been worsening over the past few months. Laboratory tests show hypercalcemia, elevated angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels, and elevated serum lysozyme levels. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 195 of 226
195. Question
A 45-year-old male with known sarcoidosis presents with complaints of redness and pain in his eyes. On examination, there is bilateral conjunctival injection and anterior uveitis in both eyes. What is the most appropriate management for this patient?
Question 196 of 226
196. Question
A 50-year-old female with a history of sarcoidosis presents with progressive shortness of breath and dry cough. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows diffuse ground-glass opacities with thickening of the interlobular septa (“crazy-paving” pattern). Lung biopsy reveals the presence of eosinophilic infiltrates. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 197 of 226
197. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of sarcoidosis presents with persistent dry cough, fever, and night sweats. Chest X-ray shows a new lung nodule. The patient undergoes bronchoscopy with transbronchial lung biopsy, and the biopsy reveals non-caseating granulomas. What is the most appropriate next step in management?
Question 198 of 226
198. Question
A 60-year-old male presents with gradually worsening dyspnea on exertion and a dry cough for the past several months. He has a history of exposure to asbestos. On physical examination, bibasilar inspiratory crackles are noted. Pulmonary function tests reveal a restrictive pattern. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows bilateral pleural plaques and subpleural honeycombing in the lower lobes. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 199 of 226
199. Question
A 45-year-old female presents with dyspnea on exertion and dry cough for the past 6 months. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis for which she is taking methotrexate. Pulmonary function tests reveal a restrictive pattern. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows non-specific interstitial lung disease (NSIP) pattern with ground-glass opacities and reticular changes. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s interstitial lung disease?
Question 200 of 226
200. Question
A 50-year-old male presents with progressive dyspnea, dry cough, and weight loss for the past few months. He has a history of smoking. On physical examination, fine inspiratory crackles are noted at the lung bases. Pulmonary function tests reveal a restrictive pattern. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows diffuse reticular opacities with traction bronchiectasis. Lung biopsy reveals scattered non-caseating granulomas. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 201 of 226
201. Question
A 55-year-old female presents with progressive dyspnea on exertion, dry cough, and fatigue for the past few months. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis, for which she is being treated with methotrexate and prednisone. On physical examination, bilateral inspiratory crackles are heard. Pulmonary function tests reveal a restrictive pattern. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows ground-glass opacities and honeycombing in the lower lung zones. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s interstitial lung disease?
Question 202 of 226
202. Question
A 40-year-old male presents with complaints of dry cough, shortness of breath, and weight loss for the past 6 months. He is a farmer and has a history of exposure to moldy hay. On physical examination, bilateral inspiratory crackles are noted. Pulmonary function tests reveal a restrictive pattern. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows ground-glass opacities and centrilobular nodules. Bronchoalveolar lavage shows a lymphocytosis with an increased CD4/CD8 ratio. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 203 of 226
203. Question
A 35-year-old female presents with dry cough, exertional dyspnea, and fatigue for the past few months. She works in a bird breeding facility and is exposed to bird droppings and feathers. On physical examination, bilateral inspiratory crackles are heard at the lung bases. Pulmonary function tests reveal a restrictive pattern. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest shows ground-glass opacities and mosaic attenuation patterns. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s interstitial lung disease?
Question 204 of 226
204. Question
A 55-year-old male presents with a chronic cough, hemoptysis, and unintentional weight loss. On physical examination, decreased breath sounds are noted in the right lung base. Chest X-ray reveals a mass lesion in the right lung with associated hilar lymphadenopathy. Bronchoscopy is performed, and a biopsy of the lesion confirms the diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma. What is the most common type of bronchogenic carcinoma?
Question 205 of 226
205. Question
A 65-year-old male presents with a history of heavy smoking. He complains of a chronic cough, sputum production, and hemoptysis. On physical examination, decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion are noted over the right lung base. Chest X-ray reveals a mass lesion in the right lung with loss of the right costophrenic angle. A bronchoscopy is performed, and the biopsy confirms the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism of metastasis for this type of bronchogenic carcinoma?
Question 206 of 226
206. Question
A 58-year-old male presents with a chronic cough, weight loss, and fatigue. He has a history of heavy smoking. On physical examination, clubbing of the fingers is noted. Chest X-ray reveals a mass lesion in the left lung with associated mediastinal lymphadenopathy. A biopsy of the lesion is performed, and the pathology report shows small, round cells with scant cytoplasm and stippled chromatin. Immunohistochemical staining shows positive results for chromogranin and synaptophysin. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 207 of 226
207. Question
A 60-year-old male with a 40-pack-year smoking history presents with a chronic cough, weight loss, and recurrent episodes of pneumonia. Imaging shows a right upper lobe mass with invasion into the mediastinum and chest wall. Biopsy of the mass reveals non-small cell lung cancer. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Question 208 of 226
208. Question
A 55-year-old female presents with cough, hemoptysis, and wheezing. She has a history of asthma and allergies. Chest X-ray reveals a well-defined, solitary nodule in the left upper lobe. A bronchoscopy is performed, and biopsy of the nodule shows clusters of small, uniform, round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and finely granular chromatin. Immunohistochemical staining shows positive results for CD56 and synaptophysin. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 209 of 226
209. Question
A 65-year-old male with a 50-pack-year smoking history presents with cough, hemoptysis, and chest pain. Imaging shows a right hilar mass and multiple enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes. Bronchoscopy with biopsy reveals atypical glandular cells with abundant cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli. Immunohistochemical staining shows positive results for thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) and negative results for p63. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 210 of 226
210. Question
A 65-year-old male with a history of congestive heart failure presents with dyspnea, orthopnea, and bilateral leg swelling. On physical examination, dullness to percussion and decreased breath sounds are noted at the lung bases. Chest X-ray reveals blunting of the costophrenic angles. What is the most likely cause of the pleural effusion in this patient?
Question 211 of 226
211. Question
A 50-year-old female with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) presents with fever, chest pain, and dyspnea. On physical examination, decreased breath sounds are noted on the right side. Chest X-ray reveals a right-sided pleural effusion. Thoracentesis is performed, and analysis of the pleural fluid shows a lymphocytic predominance, low glucose, and elevated protein. What is the most likely cause of the pleural effusion in this patient?
Question 212 of 226
212. Question
A 40-year-old male with a history of cirrhosis and alcohol abuse presents with abdominal distension and new-onset dyspnea. On physical examination, dullness to percussion is noted over the lower lung fields bilaterally, and fluid wave testing is positive. Chest X-ray reveals bilateral pleural effusions. Paracentesis is performed, and the ascitic fluid analysis shows a high protein concentration and a low serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG). What is the most likely cause of the pleural effusion in this patient?
Question 213 of 226
213. Question
A 70-year-old male with a history of smoking presents with dyspnea and dull chest pain that worsens on deep inspiration. On physical examination, decreased breath sounds are noted on the right side, and dullness to percussion is present. Chest X-ray reveals a right-sided pleural effusion with blunting of the right costophrenic angle. Thoracentesis is performed, and the pleural fluid analysis shows an elevated white blood cell count, predominantly neutrophils, and a low glucose level. What is the most likely cause of the pleural effusion in this patient?
Question 214 of 226
214. Question
A 55-year-old female presents with fever, cough, and pleuritic chest pain on the right side. On physical examination, breath sounds are decreased on the right side, and dullness to percussion is noted. Chest X-ray reveals a right-sided pleural effusion. Thoracentesis is performed, and the pleural fluid analysis shows a turbid appearance, an elevated white blood cell count with predominantly neutrophils, and a low glucose level. What is the most likely cause of the pleural effusion in this patient?
Question 215 of 226
215. Question
A 30-year-old female presents with pleuritic chest pain, cough, and mild dyspnea. She recently recovered from an upper respiratory tract infection. On physical examination, breath sounds are decreased on the right side, and a friction rub is heard during auscultation. Chest X-ray reveals a small right-sided pleural effusion. What is the most likely cause of the pleural effusion in this patient?
Question 216 of 226
216. Question
A 25-year-old tall, thin male presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain. On physical examination, decreased breath sounds and hyperresonance to percussion are noted on the right side. What is the most likely cause of these findings?
Question 217 of 226
217. Question
A 60-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the emergency department with acute worsening of dyspnea. On physical examination, the patient is tachypneic and using accessory muscles of respiration. Breath sounds are decreased on the left side, and the trachea is deviated to the right. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 218 of 226
218. Question
A 35-year-old male presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset sharp chest pain and shortness of breath. On physical examination, the patient is tachypneic, and decreased breath sounds are noted on the left side. Chest X-ray reveals a complete collapse of the left lung. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 219 of 226
219. Question
A 40-year-old female presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset dyspnea and chest pain. On physical examination, the patient is in respiratory distress, and breath sounds are absent on the right side. A chest X-ray reveals a complete collapse of the right lung. What is the most appropriate initial step in management for this patient?
Question 220 of 226
220. Question
A 55-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset dyspnea and chest pain. On physical examination, the patient appears in respiratory distress, and breath sounds are decreased on the right side. A chest X-ray reveals a partial lung collapse on the right side. What is the most appropriate initial step in management for this patient?
Question 221 of 226
221. Question
A 20-year-old male with a history of smoking presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset chest pain and shortness of breath. On physical examination, the patient appears in respiratory distress, and tracheal deviation to the left is noted. Breath sounds are decreased on the right side. Chest X-ray reveals a large pneumothorax with complete lung collapse on the right side. What is the most appropriate initial step in management for this patient?
Question 222 of 226
222. Question
A 30-year-old male presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset chest pain and shortness of breath. On physical examination, the patient appears in respiratory distress, and decreased breath sounds are noted on the left side. Chest X-ray reveals a large pneumothorax with a visible edge of the collapsed lung at the level of the diaphragm. What is the most appropriate initial step in management for this patient?
Question 223 of 226
223. Question
A 40-year-old male with a history of Marfan syndrome presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset chest pain and shortness of breath. On physical examination, the patient is in respiratory distress, and breath sounds are absent on the left side. Chest X-ray reveals a complete collapse of the left lung. What is the most likely cause of these findings?
Question 224 of 226
224. Question
A 25-year-old female with a history of asthma presents to the emergency department with acute-onset dyspnea and chest pain. On physical examination, the patient is using accessory muscles of respiration, and breath sounds are decreased on the right side. Chest X-ray reveals a hyperinflated left lung and complete collapse of the right lung. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 225 of 226
225. Question
A 65-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the emergency department with acute-onset dyspnea and chest pain. On physical examination, the patient is tachypneic and using accessory muscles of respiration. Breath sounds are decreased on the right side, and the trachea is deviated to the left. A chest X-ray confirms the diagnosis. What is the most appropriate initial step in management for this patient?
Question 226 of 226
226. Question
A 55-year-old female presents to the emergency department with sudden-onset dyspnea, chest pain, and tachycardia. She has a history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) for which she was taking anticoagulants. On physical examination, the patient is in respiratory distress, and a loud P2 heart sound is auscultated. Which of the following diagnostic tests is the most appropriate initial step to confirm the diagnosis?
17/05/2023 - New videos added FRACGP study notes section- Rosacea, Rhinophyma)