The commonest type of arthritis
Common in old age mainly over 60 but earlier age could be affected
Joints involved mainly from top to bottom
Symmetrical arthritis
Pain worse on starting movements
Pain relieved with rest
Joint stiffness
Pain worse end of the day and in cold weather
Bony swelling
Restricted joint movement
Joint deformity
No systemic manifestations
Radial deviation of distal phalanx of the hand
Heberden’s nodes
Bouchard’s nodes
Clinical and radiological
X-ray shows
Patient education and reassurance
Graduated exercise program
Corrected modifiable risk factors such as obesity and overuse etc
Rest during active bouts of pain
Use of heat—Hot water bottle/ warm bath
Weight reduction if overweight through dietary modification and exercise
Physiotherapy- postural aid, etc
Occupational therapy- walking aids etc
Cox -2 inhibitors
Intraarticular steroid injection
Intraarticular Hylan injection
Surgery- Joint replacement